Echoes of the Whispersong

Unravel an ancient forest secret before the lunar eclipse.

In the untamed wilderness of Arborica, explorers have uncovered an ancient, ambient melody—an ethereal Whispersong—that seems to hold the key to long-lost magic. Elvish elders believe it’s tied to the coming lunar eclipse, which occurs in three days, a nexus moment capable of awakening old powers or unleashing chaos. As tensions rise between humans keen to exploit the Whispersong and elves determined to protect it, the players must decode these haunting notes to access a forgotten altar and ensure the magical force’s safe rest, or face dire consequences.

The World


Arborica is a vast, lush wilderness where remnants of the ancient world linger. Magic is rare and manifests as subtle influences in nature. Renaissance-level technology flourishes in the towns bordering these wilds, but the wilderness is mostly uncharted. Humans and elves coexist warily, with elves deeply attuned to the mystical music of the forest, though human curiosity and expansion pressures create friction.


The Whispersong: a natural forest melody that embodies rare, dormant magic.


The Whispersong influences flora and fauna, causing unnatural growth and conflict over its control.

The Plot


Players are urgently called to Arborica to investigate the Whispersong. They must navigate dense forests and negotiate with territorial elf clans to gather fragments of an ancient melody that unlock a hidden altar. The altar, only accessible under a lunar eclipse, can channel or dissipate the encoded magic. As they unravel the song's meaning, they encounter factions with diverging plans—some humans wish to harness the power for advancement, while elves seek to preserve it untainted. With time slipping away, players decide whether to stabilize or disrupt the magical forces in play, weighing the societal impact of each choice.


The Whispersong's alluring notes drive creatures wild, causing unpredictable dangers.


A mysterious forest melody surfaces before a lunar eclipse.

World stakes

Lunar eclipse amplifies chaos if Whispersong remains unsolved.

Personal stakes

Failure leaves players changed by untamed magic.

The Acts

Act 1


The players enter Arborica, greeted by the ethereal Whispersong resonating through the landscape. After meeting the divided human and elvish factions, they embark on a trail to trace and record the melody fragments, facing skittish wildlife and ancient traps. Discovering a hidden grove, they encounter a relic keeper who warns of the melody’s unpredictable powers, urging the players to gather all fragments to piece together its full warning.


Hidden grove with ancient flora, Veils of Ivy thick with song.


The melody incites unusual plant growth, blocking paths.


Gather first melody fragments by tracing the Whispersong.

Set Back:

An animal snatches a crucial melody fragment.


The Whispersong has the power to warp reality.

GM's Guide:

Emphasize the mystical atmosphere and urgency. Use the Whispersong to create a surreal, enchanting mood, casting suspicion on all interactions. Let players explore with freedom, interacting with warring factions to understand their motivations while subtly pushing them toward collecting melody fragments.

GM's Move:

Wildlife grows increasingly aggressive as eclipse nears.

Act 2


The players must negotiate access to the elves’ sacred archives within the Shimmerwood, a radiant part of the forest aglow with bioluminescence. Gaining trust through a trial of skill or persuasion, they retrieve the remaining melody fragments and decipher them, learning of a long-buried altar where the full song will manifest its power. However, factions are now actively battling for control, necessitating cautious travel and alliances.


Shimmerwood, a glowing forest alive with ancient energy.


Elves demand a trial to prove worthiness for the archives.


Decipher Whispersong meaning and locate the hidden altar.

Set Back:

A skirmish destroys part of the Shimmerwood archive.


Whispersong activates powerful, ancient nature magic.

GM's Guide:

Focus on player negotiation skills and creating tension through rival factions vying for control. Balance combat, diplomacy, and exploration with moral choices about the melody's influence. Keep pressure up through faction skirmishes and clever use of environmental puzzles.

GM's Move:

Rival factions clash over the Whispersong's control.

Act 3


The final race is on to reach the hidden altar, perched atop a canyon overlooking a shimmering waterfall. The players’ choices shape the Whispersong's outcome: will they harmonize it, releasing its energy benevolently, or let chaos ensue by disrupting the delicate balance? As they approach the altar, creatures drawn by the melody swarm, and factions clash violently. The eclipse reaches its zenith; the players must act decisively, with the world holding its breath.


Canyon altar with cascading waterfall beneath moonlight.


Swarms of ensorcelled beasts block the path.


Neutralize or unleash Whispersong’s potential at the altar.

Set Back:

Rushing risks missing key components of the altar ritual.


Only harmony or disharmony will stabilize or unleash magic.

GM's Guide:

Use pacing to instill urgency with the approaching eclipse. Highlight each faction's desperation and the clashing motivations, forcing players into tough decisions. Keep combat tight, but allow room for strategic thinking to resolve the climax effectively.

GM's Move:

Creatures and factions converge violently as the eclipse nears.


Players finalize the ritual, setting magic’s course per their decisions.