The Midnight Reckoning
Merfolk revenge threatened by pollution-driven vendetta. Can you negotiate peace?
The players are approached by the leaders of a coastal human settlement who are desperate to prevent a devastating attack by merfolk. The merfolk have given the villagers an ultimatum: stop polluting the sea, or face dire consequences at midnight. Players must navigate the villagers' fears and find a way to mitigate the pollution quickly enough to satisfy the merfolk, all while facing a tight deadline and potential sabotage from within the village community.

The World
ContextIn this world, humans and merfolk coexist along the coasts, with merfolk watching over the sea and humans depending on it for trade and sustenance. Medieval technology enables basic mechanisms for maintaining the coast, but there is no magic. The reliance on crude machinery has led to pollution of the merfolk's habitat, prompting their ultimatum. A history of mistrust and miscommunication exacerbates their current vendetta.
ConceptMerfolk employ biological adaptations to wage environmental warfare.
ImpactThe merfolk's oceanic dominance pressures humans to reconsider their coastal practices or face ruin.
The Plot
SummaryThe adventure kicks off with an urgent request for help from a coastal village besieged by merfolk who vowed to attack at midnight due to the villagers' negligence in polluting the sea. Players explore the village to assess the pollution and uncover political tension between villagers who are for and against cooperating with the merfolk. A mid-mission twist reveals a saboteur among the villagers, heightening the stakes. Players must then decide whether to confront the saboteur, negotiate with the merfolk directly, or devise an innovative cleanup solution. The final act takes place on the beach as the merfolk approach, where the players face a climatic decision to broker peace or prepare for battle.
ComplicationA villager secretly sabotages cleanup efforts, worsening pollution.
HookA village faces calamity from merfolk at midnight.
World stakesA clash could destroy the fragile human-merfolk relationship.
Personal stakesVillagers may lose shelter and livelihood.
The Acts
Act 1
Summary:Players arrive at the coastal village, meeting concerned villagers. They're offered various plans to reduce pollution by the villagers, some logical, others desperate. As the players assess options, they must prioritize actions, such as gathering resources for a new filtration system that could partially reduce pollution.
Location:Coastal village square with its bustling, yet tense atmosphere.
Challenge:Gather resources to build a pollutant filtration system.
Objective:Prepare a plan to reduce ocean pollution quickly.
Set Back:Key resource for filtration system is sabotaged.
Revelation:Not all villagers support stopping the pollution.
GM's Guide:Focus on creating an immersive introduction to the village's dire situation, emphasizing the urgency and the tension within the community. Allow for roleplay with key NPCs to uncover differing agendas about how to address the merfolk's ultimatum.
GM's Move:Merfolk are seen scouting the village's coast.
Act 2
Summary:Players delve deeper into the sabotage, uncovering that a villager with a secret agenda attempts to destabilize peace efforts by manipulating key figures afraid of change. A confrontation ensues, either exposing the saboteur or stalling the anti-pollution efforts. Players face a choice on how to handle the saboteur and whether to meet the merfolk early.
Location:Village's fishing docks, now eerily deserted.
Challenge:Identify and neutralize the village saboteur.
Objective:Unmask the saboteur threatening cleanup efforts.
Set Back:Merfolk emissary demands immediate evidence of change.
Revelation:Saboteur has ties with rival trading factions.
GM's Guide:Maintain a balance between investigation and action here. Provide clues to the saboteur's identity in dialogue and environment. Allow players to explore multiple avenues to handle the situation, keeping tension high as the deadline approaches.
GM's Move:Merfolk patrol closer, increasing village panic.
Act 3
Summary:The confrontation with the merfolk begins as they rise from the sea at midnight. Players must leverage negotiations using what they've learned, possibly presenting the saboteur as a peace offering. Alternatively, they execute a daring plan to demonstrate meaningful progress against pollution, risking merfolk wrath.
Location:Beaches where shimmering waves meet torchlight.
Challenge:Gain the upper hand in merfolk negotiations.
Objective:Negotiate peace with the merfolk or prepare for conflict.
Set Back:Saboteur incites panic among villagers during negotiations.
Revelation:Merfolk seek a long-term alliance, not just vengeance.
GM's Guide:Encourage players to use both diplomacy and technology in creative ways. Highlight the merfolk's determination but willingness to listen if presented with honest efforts. Keep tension high as negotiations teeter on the brink of conflict.
GM's Move:Merfolk unleash the first wave of threats.
Climax:Peace is brokered or the village prepares for an invasive battle.